
Archive for August, 2011

I came upon an article today about real life moms who confess to some of their unshared thoughts and parenting behaviors… many of which I could identify with…
As I am typing this I am eating mint oreos, and my children are watching Sprout in a room full of toys that they mostly just throw around instead of actually playing with. Anyway, the article really made me feel better today about myself as a mom, but it made me wonder if the things I feel are actually shared by my mommy friends… or do these women just exist somewhere in a land far far away.
So I thought, even if no one reads this, I would feel better if I just got some of MY deepest secrets out there, and if someone does read this, then maybe you feel the same way and it will be nice to know you arent’ alone.
1. My kids definitely watch more than the 30 minutes of t.v. I always said I would allow them. Did you read above where my kids are watching Sprout? Well, it’s been on pretty much since they woke up this morning. I truly don’t know how I would get anything done around my house if I DIDN’T let my kids watch t.v. And they actually do learn a lot from Sprout.
2. I love my children, but I really don’t get a thrill out of playing tea party and pirates.
Don’t get me wrong. I think my children are the most adorable little things I’ve ever seen. I love watching them grow and learn new things, really. They make me laugh so hard I’m crying most days. I just don’t really like spending an hour pretending to drink tea and hoping over the area rugs in the house because they are full of man eating crocodiles. Now before you feel sorry for my children, don’t worry, I do these things with them; I just don’t love doing it.
3. Letting my children “cry it out” as infants wasn’t that hard for me.
I waited the four months that the pediatrician recommended before starting this form of sleep training, but the day they turned four months it was off to bed without being rocked to sleep, and the crying for ten minutes wasn’t as traumatic as I thought it would be for me. I wondered if it would be hard, how could I let them be so sad, knowing I could cuddle them and make them feel better. But you know what, after breastfeeding, staying at home with them all day, and sleeping in the rocker in their nursery many nights prior; it felt good to lay in my bed with the hope that in a few days my kids would start putting themselves to sleep and I could take a bubble bath in the peace and quiet.
4. Yes, I do want to tag out at five.
Brian has on several (okay MANY) ocassions come home, and after I greet him with a kiss, I run to my room to take a hot bath or watch my favorite tv show I DVRd the night before. To which he usually doesn’t put up a fuss, but after several consecutive days of this, he has told me, “I feel like you think when I get home you can just tag out and be done for the day.” Well, I wish I could honestly say that’s not true, but it just is most days. After eight hours of being mommy, referee, chef (I use that term loosely), entertainer, and much much more, I am just DONE for the day. And on the days he comes home and I don’t try to “tag out” it’s because I abandoned my chores for the day and sat on the couch watching t.v. and watched the kids drag out every toy they own…. which brings me to my last confession..
5. I don’t do “HOMEMAKER” everyday! Yes, I am a stay at home mommy, but do I clean, cook, and entertain or teach my children 24/7? Uh, I wish I had that kind of energy. But no, I do not. There are days, yes DAYS in the week that I don’t wash clothes, sweep the floors, clean the bathrooms, or pick up toys. Some days I like to just relax, never get out of my pj’s and just do nothing. Well, by nothing, I mean, housework wise, obviously I do not leave my children to tend to themselves. They require so much of time and attention as it is that I often feel like on the days I choose to do abandon chores are the days I spend the most time with them.
So there you have it… if you don’t relate to any of these things, then good for you. You can feel awesome about yourself! And if you do feel the way I do at times, then good for you too; at least you know you’re not alone.
I know I’m not perfect. I wasn’t before I became a mommy, so I’m sure not now. And even though there may be other mothers who look down on me for letting my kids watch t.v. or failing to serve them a vegetable with every meal, I am ok with that. I pray every day for my children to love God and serve Him. I look for ways to teach them new things everyday, and as an adult, I have never wanted to beat up a five year old until I saw one shove my toddler off of a slide at the playground. I am truly one of those moms that think everything their child does is adorable and wants to share the stories with complete strangers. My family is my life, and even though I may not get a thrill out of barbies and tea parties, I let my children watch more t.v. than recommended, I take breaks at times, and I don’t keep a spotless house, I do love my kids with the kind of unconditional love only a parent can know. And THAT’S what matters most.

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